Finding a Therapist

Finding a therapist can seem overwhelming. There are many options out there with differing educational backgrounds, therapy modalities, and specialties. What’s different in this search as compared to other professional services is the need for a connection. There will always be people that you meet who you can build a meaningful bond with. There will also always be people who are not your cup of tea. That is okay. We’re not meant to get along with every person we meet. Your search for a counsellor can be similar.

As someone who has visited counselling offices as a client, I know what it’s like to meet with someone who you do not jive with. I first sought help when I was sixteen and starting to feel overwhelmed by my mental health. I was brand new to the idea of disclosing my innermost secrets to a stranger and felt uncomfortable with the whole concept. I took a leap of faith by attending this woman’s office, but I was still holding back. I kept dipping my toes before diving in the water to determine if she would be a safe person to share everything that was bothering me. I continued to show up for all eight sessions while never feeling safe enough to divulge what was really going on. There was no connection there and I knew it. Yet I continued to attend every session because I wanted to feel better. I had no idea that I was allowed to see another counsellor.

Speaking as a therapist, I can assure you that you will not offend anyone by requesting to speak with someone else. We’ve all had clients that choose to move on. We’ve also all had clients that are relieved to finally find someone who they can relate to. There are some aspects of this search that are about gut feelings more than checking off boxes. Find someone who helps you feel safe and comfortable.
